Spirituality can be defined as a conscious appreciation of the mystery of life and the universe and a belief that there is more to understand than logic and reason. It can also be described as a higher form of human awareness of goodness, kindness, caring, and concern for others.
The Cosmic Temple Of Light celebrates one of the great spiritualities created by humans, the American Nation of Tribes, Mother Earth Spirituality. The CTOL welcomes all American tribal members into the sacred temple to grow, develop, and teach the ways of their ancestors who lived as one with Goddess Gaia. God, the Cosmos, gives redemption and passage to the next dimension to all tribal members who maintained the welfare of ITS beloved daughter, never yielding to predatory capitalism and the destruction of the original Earth garden, even to enslavement and great hardship at the hands of the White Father.
Bhagwan Cosmic Light, known as White Buffalo, welcomes and honors you, offering peace, love, health, and happiness. Cosmic Disciples are excited to learn your ways and require all beginners to read Mother Earth Spirituality, written by Eagle Man, who proposed before his passing that his book be shared with whites to create a nation of Earth Warriors. He commanded Earth Warriors to organize and fight to save Mother Earth from the sixth great extinction we are living in. Bhagwan Cosmic Light honors his vision and wishes by supporting the creation of social justice Earth Warriors in the Cosmic Temple Of Light—peace and Love to Eagleman.
A second book that is mandatory reading, Native American Wisdom, gives a short American history from the perspective of the American Nation of Tribes being invaded by wild naked European apes, professing, “We come in peace; all we want is your land,” To the astonishment of Chieftains who could not understand how anyone could own land. The first recorded act from the American founding fathers in their ship’s logs was of them stealing grain from American tribal members, and to their astonishment once again, “All they had to do was ask for food.” It is also noted the original crew of pilgrims was down to 50 when the American Nation of Tribes showed compassion and empathy by feeding and clothing them during the winter—the biggest mistake in American Tribal history. Think about how different life would be had the so-called savages let all of God’s children die cold and hungry.
The CTOL fulfills the sacred texts of the American Nation of Tribes and brings the vision of Crazy Horse to completion.