If you enjoyed our Cosmic Temple Of Light spiritual tour and want more, please join us and do your part to, “Stand for something good.” Cosmic Disciples encourage all guests to read Bhagwan Cosmic Lights books, Let It Be and Silence Of The Cosmos. They are free here to read and available for download. By coming together as OneFamilyOneSpecies, all Africans with different skin shades we bond through Cosmic Love’s triad of power, caring, sharing, and improving everything we do. Without a unified family in this sixth great extinction and a williness to go Green, Mother Nature will burn us to death without a single emotion. Join us and get in the game, time is running out on humanity.
Here is a parting gift for sharing your time with us. This poem comes from the Bhagwan’s personal collection he calls, The Book Of Bliss. Enjoy and Thank you,
Bhagwan Cosmic Light
Founder – Cosmosian Spirituality
Flowers For Humanity
O Cosmic Love, in human spirit’s glow,
Emerging as God, with radiant flow,
In the depths of our souls, your essence resides,
As love generating energy, that forever abides.
From the vast cosmos, you gracefully soar,
Expanding beyond what we’ve known before,
And when love transcends the confines of space,
It becomes a reflection, in each heart’s embrace.
For in caring for self and others alike,
We unlock the power, that makes spirits take flight,
Sharing ourselves, we improve all we see,
Reflecting love energy, for eternity.
In the quantum darkness, where mysteries lie,
We find the connection, that unites you and I,
Bound together, with vibrations pure,
Infinite Om echoes, forever endure.
So let us embrace this cosmic dance,
Where God and humanity harmoniously trance,
For within us, the divine truly resides,
As love’s energy, forever guides.