The Grand Cosmic Temple Of Light
Here is an architectural rendering for a future Grand CTOL that acts as a production center for media broadcasts, a business center for Supreme Cosmic Disciples, and living quarters for Bhagwan Cosmic Light and support staff. The Bhagwan is committed to seclusion and acts through his Supreme Cosmic Disciples, who are ambassadors and influencers among all people. Bhagwan Cosmic Light is not the show but a spiritual leader dedicated to growing Cosmic Love worldwide. This effort will be team-oriented, not an ego power exercise for a cult leader using spirituality for personal gain and corruption.
Bhagwan Cosmic Light calls all oligarchs and family members, defined as billionaires, to unite and create a spiritual world wonder that celebrates the best qualities in all people through Cosmosian Spirituality. Oligarchs must make an honest effort to improve the lot of lower and middle-class humans during the sixth great extinction. Five thousand oligarchs controlling 90% of global wealth will be the first ones slaughtered when eight billion humans discover they are going extinct due to predatory capitalism, oil addiction, and extreme pathological greed; the world has never seen or could even conceive when American free market capitalism emerged. “Let them eat cake” will get oligarchs killed in a week; just study the aftermath of the French Revolution. What good is all the money in the world if the environment cannot sustain 90% of all life forms? Do you want to see wild, naked apes in a chaotic state, pointing fingers at oligarch targets and executing them? Hiding in a bunker on an island is not a solution to saving Mother Earth and humanity.
The non-profit Grand Cosmic Temple Of Light will become a spiritual destination for meditation retreats, family vacations, and a global tourist attraction. These activities will jumpstart business ventures that support the local community in promoting Cosmic Love. American oligarchs have done nothing to improve the lives of Americans. It’s time to step up and help jumpstart a spiritual revolution based on caring, sharing, and improving everything, or continue supporting a religion responsible for thirty to fifty thousand cases of child abuse. The Pope and his pedophile Catholic church are condemned to spiritual death by God, the Cosmos, for the appalling and heinous acts of its priests, preying on innocent children. Anyone sitting in Catholic church pews supporting such criminals is commended to spiritual death by God, the Cosmos. Jesus Christians, get out and join the Cosmic Temple Of Light and redeem your spirit. No God in any religion will tolerate the horrific acts of child abuse encountered in the Catholic church. That religion is a disgrace and needs to become history for its gross acts of immorality.
Any oligarch interested in creating a Grand Temple Of Cosmic Light to regain a morality and code of ethics for common decency and love of all people, equality of everyone as Africans with different skin shades, the equality and respectful treatment of women and children, and allowing men and women to be Earth Warriors to protect sacred temple grounds and defend social and environmental justice through peaceful means is encouraged to contact Bhagwan Cosmic Light for a consultation at
Peace, Love, Health, & Happiness
Bhagwan Cosmic Light
Founder – Cosmosian Spirituality
Founder – Cosmic Temple Of Light